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17. Linux Kernel

17.1 Objectives

  • Get the kernel sources from git, using the official Linux source tree.

  • Fetch the sources for the stable Linux releases, by declaring a remote tree and getting stable branches from it.

  • Set up a cross-compiling environment.

  • Cross compile the kernel for the BeagleBone Black board (ARM Cortex-A8).

  • Use U-Boot to download the kernel to the target board.

  • Check that the custom kernel starts the system.

17.2 Required tools

17.3 Main repository

Let's first create the kernel folder under or lab folder:

$ LAB_PATH="$HOME/embedded-linux-bbb-labs/kernel"
$ mkdir -p $LAB_PATH
$ cd $LAB_PATH

To begin working with the Linux kernel sources, we need to clone its reference git tree, the one managed by Linus Torvalds himself.

This requires downloading some gigabytes of data. If you have a very fast access to the Internet, you can do it directly by connecting to the official git repository (our main remote repository):

$ git clone ""
$ cd linux

If your internet access is not fast enough, you can download a git snapshot of a specific version; for example, release 5.15.
You just have to extract this archive in the current kernel directory, just like we did for the previous labs:

$ cd $LAB_PATH
$ label="5.15"
$ wget "${label}.tar.gz"
$ tar xfv "linux-${label}.tar.gz"
$ mv linux*/ linux
$ cd linux

17.4 Stable releases

The Linux kernel repository from Linus Torvalds contains all the main releases of Linux, but not the stable releases: they are maintained by a separate team, and hosted in a separate repository.

After having downloaded the main repository, we have to add this separate stable repository as additional remote to be able to use the stable releases.

$ cd $LAB_PATH/linux
$ git remote add stable ""
$ git fetch stable
$ git branch -a

We're going to checkout the stable branch for version 5.15.y, aliased as a branch named after our labs; alternatively, we can choose the specific version 5.15.104:

$ label="linux-5.15.y"  # for the ongoing branch
$ label="v5.15.104"     # for our specific version
$ git checkout -b embedded-linux-bbb "stable/${label}"

Again, if you internet speed is slow, or you want to save space, you can download a specific release archive directly. You can find the list by browsing the repository webpage; we tested this lab with version 5.15.104, an LTS branch. Of course, this is an alternative to the main releases, so make sure that one wasn't extracted into our linux subfolder.

$ cd $LAB_PATH
$ rm -rf linux/
$ label="5.15.104"
$ wget "${label}.tar.gz"
$ tar xfv "linux-${label}.tar.gz"
$ mv linux*/ linux
$ cd linux

17.5 Version check

First, execute the following command to check which version you currently have:

$ make kernelversion

You can also open the Makefile and look at the first lines to find this information:

$ head -n6 Makefile | tail -n+2
NAME = Trick or Treat

17.6 Configuration

To cross-compile Linux, you need to have a cross-compiling toolchain. We will use the cross-compiling toolchain that we previously produced, so we just need to add it to the PATH. We also need the CROSS_COMPILE prefix, and the ARCH label of the CPU architecture. You'd better parallelize with the -j option to save time.
Quick reminder:

$ TC_NAME="arm-training-linux-uclibcgnueabihf"
$ TC_BASE="$HOME/x-tools/$TC_NAME"
$ export PATH="$TC_BASE/bin:$PATH"
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-
$ export ARCH=arm
$ export MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc)

By running make help, look for the proper Makefile target to configure the kernel for your processor (within less, press the [Q] key to quit).
In our case, look for a configuration for boards in the OMAP2 and later family, which the AM335x of the BeagleBone belongs to: omap2plus_defconfig.
So, apply this configuration, and then run make menuconfig.

$ make help | grep omap2
  omap2plus_defconfig         - Build for omap2plus
$ make omap2plus_defconfig
$ make menuconfig

See: menuconfig

  • Set GCC_PLUGINS=n (disabled), which skips building special GCC plugins we don't need, requiring extra dependencies for the build.

  • Add options to support USB host and networking over USB device:

    • Set USB=y (static), i.e. search for it (/), and press Y to switch from module to static.

    • Set USB_GADGET=y.

    • Set USB_MUSB_HDRC=y, the driver for the USB OTG controller.

    • Set USB_MUSB_DSPS=y.

    • Set USB_MUSB_DUAL_ROLE=y (via choice menu) to use the USB OTG both in host and device (gadget) modes. This will be needed to use the board's USB host port.

    • Check the dependencies of AM335X_PHY_USB and find the way to set AM335X_PHY_USB=y.

      • Use the search tool of menuconfig against AM335X_PHY_USB.

      • You can see that it depends on:
        USB_SUPPORT [=y] && (ARM [=y] || COMPILE_TEST [=n]) && NOP_USB_XCEIV [=m].
        We're missing NOP_USB_XCEIV, because it's compiled as module right now, so we cannot have AM335X_PHY_USB=y.

      • Search for and set NOP_USB_XCEIV=y.

      • Search again AM335X_PHY_USB to confirm the dependency is now resolved.

      • Set AM335X_PHY_USB=y and confirm the dependency chain is all static.

    • Set USB_ETH=y.

    • Set USB_ETH_RNDIS=y.

    • Set INPUT_EVDEV=y, to have the same default setting as in our labs with the STM32MP1 boards.

  • Add static support (instead of module) for the hardware random generator. Without it, you would get annoying messages and lower performance.


Now you can <Save> and backup:

$ cp .config ../kernel.config

17.7 Cross compiling

You’re now ready to cross-compile your kernel. Simply run make and wait for the kernel to be compiled. The build takes some time to perform — a clean build took around 10 minutes on an Intel i7 7700 laptop with 4 cores, of course within the Lubuntu VM.

$ make
  Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready

Look at the end of the kernel build output to see which file contains the kernel image.
You can also see the Device Tree .dtb files which got compiled. Find which .dtb file corresponds to your board. TODO

$ find . -name "am335x-bone*.dtb"

17.8 Bootloader

As we are going to boot the Linux kernel from our U-Boot installation, we need to set the bootargs environment variable according to the Linux kernel command line.

Let's connect picocomBBB and run our U-Boot on the board.
Press any key as soon as the board boots, to stop U-Boot and enter its prompt.

A separate shell is suggested for picocomBBB instances from now on.

picocomBBB - U-Boot
$ picocomBBB
Terminal ready
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

Enter the prompt (press a key before the timeout) and set the bootargs environment variable:

picocomBBB - U-Boot
=> setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8
=> saveenv

We use TFTP to load the kernel image on the board:

On your workstation, copy the zImage and DTB (am335x-boneblack.dtb) to the directory exposed by the TFTP server (/srv/tftp/).

$ cd "$LAB_PATH/linux/"
$ cp "arch/$ARCH/boot/zImage" /srv/tftp/
$ cp "arch/$ARCH/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dtb" /srv/tftp/

On the target (within the U-Boot prompt, accessed by pressing a key before the initial timeout), load zImage from TFTP into RAM, as well as the DTB, and let the kerbel boot rom RAM with its device tree.
You should see Linux boot and finally panicking. This is expected: we haven’t provided a working root filesystem for our device yet!

picocomBBB - U-Boot
=> tftp 0x81000000 zImage
=> tftp 0x82000000 am335x-boneblack.dtb
=> bootz 0x81000000 - 0x82000000
---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) ]---

You can now automate all of this every time the board is booted or reset.
Reset the board (S1 button), enter U-Boot prompt, and set the bootcmd environment variable, chaining the previous commands in sequence in a long line.

picocomBBB - U-Boot
=> setenv bootcmd_tftp "tftp 0x81000000 zImage;  tftp 0x82000000 am335x-boneblack.dtb;  bootz 0x81000000 - 0x82000000"
=> setenv bootcmd $bootcmd_tftp
=> saveenv

Restart the board again to make sure that booting the kernel is now automated.

picocomBBB - U-Boot
=> reset
---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) ]---

You can now disconnect and turn off the board.

17.9 Backup and restore

This isn't really required now, because we're going to recompile the kernel and adapt the U-Boot configuration again. Anyway, in case you need them, you can backup a snapshot of the images up to this point.

$ cd /srv/tftp/
$ tar cfJv "$LAB_PATH/kernel-tftp.tar.xz" zImage am335x-boneblack.dtb

To restore the content:

$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/tftp/
$ sudo chown tftp:tftp /srv/tftp
$ cd /srv/tftp/
$ tar xfv "$LAB_PATH/kernel-tftp.tar.xz"

17.10 Licensing

This document is an extension to: Embedded Linux System Development - Practical Labs - BeagleBone Black Variant — © 2004-2023, Bootlin, CC-BY-SA-3.0 license.